Tham khảo Leonor_I_của_Navarra

  • Anthony, R. (1931). Identification et Étude des Ossements des Rois de Navarre inhumés dans la Cathédrale de Lescar [Identification and Study of the Bones of the Kings of Navarre buried in the Cathedral of Lescar] (PDF). Archives du Muséum, 6e series (bằng tiếng Pháp). VII. Masson et Cie.
  • Krochalis, Jeanne E. (1996). “1494: Hieronymous Munzer, Compostela, and the Codex Calixtinus”. Trong Dunn, Maryjane; Davidson, Linda Kay (biên tập). The Pilgrimage to Compostela in the Middle Ages. Routledge.
  • Ward, A.W.; Prothero, G.W.; Leathes, Stanley biên tập (1911). The Cambridge Modern History. Macmillan Company.
  • Woodacre, Elena (2013). The Queens Regnant of Navarre: Succession, Politics, and Partnership, 1274-1512. Palgrave Macmillan.